Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WWE: Why CM Punk's Heel Turn Is a Good Idea Poorly Executed

The creative team are running the WWE like Dracula would a blood bank.

The company's biggest assets are being drained of their individuality, their personality continuously sucked out of them until they become Stepford Wives clones.

Sulking and scowling, Punk's new heel persona is as clockwork as anyone else's.

If you'd told the majority of WWE fans a month ago that he was to turn heel, there would've been more smiles than frowns.

If you then tried to tell them how this change occurred, they, like me, would be left confused.

We're two weeks into the major summer angle and I'm still not sure how, or why we got here.

Is Punk angry? What's he angry about? Why is he angry at Jerry Lawler? Why has Ryback not been fed three?

OK, I may have thrown that last one in there, but you get my point.

Trying to listen to his reasoning, it seems he's frustrated at the lack of focus on the WWE Title—an odd kayfabe complaint that he would surely have to take up with Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon in suits.

Is it John Cena's fault that his against-all-odds victories close the show?

And why is he angry at the Rock?

Like me, is he still mad at being charged $10 to see "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island?"

We all long for the Punk of 12 months ago, because these days his pipe bombs feel more like cheap firecrackers.

A large number of fans are hoping for a Randy Orton heel turn too, but on this evidence, the WWE would be better advised to leave things at status quo.

Better a cookie-cutter than an angry man who has nothing to be angry about.


Kevin Russo Curtis Granderson Nick Johnson Javier Lopez Alex Hinshaw Ramon Ramirez

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